Legal Information (Privacy Policy)
All rights reserved. It is strictly forbidden to copy, publish and/or use in whatever way any of the contents on the site without the express and formal authorization from STUDIO ROTA PORTA. All the material contained on this site is protected by copyright: the content (whether registered or unregistered trademarks, texts, images or other) and all the software code are the exclusive property of STUDIO ROTA PORTA.
In accordance with Art. 13 of Decree Law 196 of 30.6.2003 “Protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data”
Pursuant to Legislative Decree 196 of 30th June 2003 (hereinafter referred to as “the Law “), we would inform you that the data provided by you will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned law and the obligations of confidentiality to which STUDIO ROTA PORTA (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is bound . Said data will be treated with the support of paper, computer or electronic means, suitable in any case to ensure the safety and confidentiality of the data:
- in order to send informative, advertising and promotional material;
- in order to detect the degree of client satisfaction with the quality of services provided, to draw up studies and market research, to conduct public relations activities and for statistical and scientific purposes;
- in order to comply with any legal obligation;
The data may be communicated, exclusively for the purposes stated above, to the Company
STUDIO ROTA PORTA, to subsidiaries and associated companies and to consultancies specialised in market research, on the understanding that said companies adopt the equivalent criteria of security and confidentiality.
The law confers on the interested party the rights foreseen under Art. 7. In particular, the interested party may obtain from the data treatment manager (DTM) confirmation of the existence or not of their personal data and that such data be made available in an intelligible form.
The interested party may also request to know the origin of the data and the logic and
purposes on which the treatment is based; to obtain the cancellation, transformation into an anonymous form or to block the processed data that are in violation of the law, as well as the update, correction or, if desired, the integration of data; to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the treatment of the data themselves.
Said rights can be exercised by writing to the DTM of STUDIO ROTA PORTA, situated in Corso Asti, 5 – 14049 Nizza Monferrato (AT).
Information on the use of cookies (Cookie Policy)
In compliance with Legislative Decrees 69/2012 and 70/2012 (Cookie Law)
Cookies are pieces of code, installed in the browser, the main function of which is to facilitate navigation by the User. As required by the European Cookie Law, some usage purposes may need the User’s consent.
The website, for its own strictly operational ends, utilises the User’s session cookie.
The website also utilises cookies to save the browsing preferences and optimization in order to improve the User’s experience.
The application uses services for which no consent may be asked or which could be handled by the DTM directly. Some of the tools used, on the contrary, are managed by third parties that might, over and beyond the provisions of the present information clause and without the knowledge of the DTM, carry out the tracking of the User. In this regards it is essential to refer directly to the policy of the service providers, as explained below.
This type of cookie is used to analyze the flow of traffic on the internet site and, consequently, trace the User’s behaviour within it. The platform under the current policy uses Google Analytics service, provided by Google Inc. which analyzes the use of the site as regards not only the mere analysis of behaviour but also the possible use of services owned by Google Inc. (such as the
customization of advertisements). The data are processed in the U.S. and, in order to manage consensus, it is recommended that one views the following link to the supplier’s privacy policy: Google Privacy Policy | Google Analytics Opt Out
In addition to the foregoing, the User has the possibility of managing his or her consent,
including setting browser preferences. Through this system it is in fact possible to prevent the use of third-party cookies. The browser also enables the User to eliminate installed cookies, although it must be stressed that by not allowing the use of same, the browsing experience may be
affected. Hereunder are listed pages useful to proceeding with the management of cookies within the major browsers:
Whereas tracking cookies installed by third-party services cannot be controlled by the DTM and that the relevant information contained in this document is for guidance only, the User is invited to express his/her own denial by means of third-party policies through the opt link or by Your Online Choices, a service that enables one to manage the preferences of the majority of advertising services.
Personal data
These concern information that identifies or renders identifiable a person and that can provide details about his/her characteristics, habits, lifestyle, personal relationships, health, financial situation, etc .
Particularly important are::
- identification data: those that allow direct identification, such as demographics (for example, name and surname), images, etc;
- • sensitive data: those that may reveal racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties or of trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union nature, state of health and sex life;
- • judicial data: those that can reveal the existence of certain judicial orders subject to registration in the criminal records (for example, the penal provisions of the final sentence, conditional release, a residency ban or obligation, alternatives to imprisonment) or the quality of the accused or suspected person.
With the evolution of new technologies, other personal data have taken on a an important role, such as those relating to electronic communications (via the Internet or telephone), those permitting geolocation, providing information on the places visited by the person and his/her movements.
The interested party
is the person to whom the personal data refer. Thus if the treatment of the data concerns, for example, the address, social security number, etc. of Mario Rossi, this person is the interested party (article 4, paragraph 1, letter i), of the Code).
is the person, company, public or private body, association, etc., which is responsible for the decisions regarding the purposes and methods of data treatment, as well as for the tools adopted (article 4, paragraph 1, letter f) of the Code).
The Manager
is the person, company, private or public body, association or organisation to whom the DTM entrusts, even outside of its own organizational structure, specific and defined tasks
for the management and control of data (article 4, paragraph 1, letter g) of the Code).
The designation of the body responsible is optional (article 29 of the Code).
The Appointee
is the one who, on behalf of the DTM, materially processes or uses personal data
on the basis of instructions received from the DTM and/or Manager (article 4, paragraph 1, letter h) of the Code).
Usage data
are the personal information collected automatically by the Application or by those of third parties the User utilises and the details of the application’s use.
is the User of the present application.
is the hardware or software tool to collect data on the User.
The present privacy statement has been drawn up in compliance with the obligations under Art. 10
of Directive no. 95/46/ EC and Directive 2002/58 /CE, as revised by Directive 2009/136/ CE, with regard to Cookies.
The current information is to be considered valid only for the present application.